Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Back in HellTown

I used to live in Malmö, I used to work in Malmö. Then I started work in Helltown, drove my old car without heating in wintertime in -10C all the way from Malmö. Bought a new warm car, spring came. Moved to Helltown, changed my job back to Malmö. Now I'm driving in the opposite direction in a warm car and the sun is shining, go figure...
Kalle don't get a thing, but he's ok..

mah house, I live at the top in the middle

Kalle is wondering...

everything was pink


well, pink!!
not any more

miss my books, got a very tiny few of them up

it's important to get your couchcorner prioritised

pretty new lamp

kitchenwindow getting pretty pretty
and of course, found a thrift shop here as well

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