Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Turning Torso

Went to a meeting on the 53rd floor at Turning Torso today, and I say - Go far!! Damn it is high.. AND they did not have paper towels in the loo, a nice fluffy towel for each n every one,
uhuuu, I'm in Turning Torso, I don't wanna dry my hands on paper towels.
But it felt really small on the inside, the lobby was tinytiny.

when we came - daytime - it was a very grey day

when we left - nighttime

It doesn't seem that big in the pic's, but damn, I live in Sweden, we have loads of room so we're not used to high..

1 comment:

malinder said...

Det känns som att du inte fattade varför jag tyckte det var så kul med nighttime/daytime.
Här kommer förklaringen (men du har kanske sett det) :)